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TransName="Edmundas K. (adijux)"
TransVer="1.2 beta"
S006="Sveki atvykę į vLite"
S007="Nieko nepasirinkta."
S008="Spauskite mygtuką Naršyti arba įveskite kelią iki Vista diegimo failų. Reikiami failai dažniausiai yra patalpinti diegimo DVD diske arba išarchyvuoti iš ISO, todėl Jūs negalite pasirinkti jau įdiegtą windows sistemą."
S009="Pasirinkite aplankalą arba laikmeną, kur yra patalpinti Windows Vista diegimo failai"
S010="Windows Vista OS konfigūracijos įrankis"
S013="Uždaryti vLite?"
S014="Ar Jūs tuo tikras?"
S016="Išsaugoti kaip"
S017="Išsaugoti į"
S026="Paremti pinigine suma"
S027="El. paštas"
S031="Nurodykite Windows Vista diegimo failus"
S032="Jūs neturėtumėte naudoti particijos pagrindą kaip ISO aplankalą. |Sukurkite naują aplankalą."
S034="Windows Vista failai buvo rasti, tačiau juos reikia nukopijuoti|į kietąjį diską.|| Pasirinkite vietą, kur išsaugoti diegimo failus.||Pasirinkite esamą arba sukurkite naują tuščią aplankalą."
S035="Pasirinkite, kur išsaugoti diegimo failus kietajame diske,|kad vėliau galėtumėte juos modifikuoti.|Pasirinkite esamą arba sukurkite naują tuščią aplankalą."
S036="Kopijuoti failus"
S037="DVD nebuvo tinkamai nukopijuotas."
S039="Neįmanoma rasti reikiamų failų. Įsitikinkite, kad pasirinkote aplankalą arba laikmeną|kurioje yra Vista diegimo failai, dažniausiai diegimo diske.|Perspėjimas: Jūs negalite naudoti jau įdiegtų windows failų, pavyzdžiui, iš C:\Windows"
S040="Įrašymas sėkmingas!"
S042="ISO sėkmingai sukurtas!"
S043="Atvaizdas nebuvo sukurtas."
S044="Įrašyti nepavyko!"
S045="Kurti ISO"
S048="Trinimas nesėkmingas!"
S053="Closing track"
S057="Įkraunamas (bootable) ISO"
S059="Tylus diegimas"
S060="Tvarkyklių integracija"
S061="Įjungti prieš pakeičiant"
S063="Nieko nepasirinkti"
S064="Įjungti puslapiams, uždėkite varneles kairėje pusėje."
S065="Užduočių pasirinkimas"
S071="Tylus diegimas"
S074="Prašome palaukti"
S078="Operacinė sistema"
S081="Jūs galite pašalinti komponentus savo nuožiūra, kad Vista veiktų greičiau ir atitiktų Jūsų norus."
S082="Atlikite keletą pakeitimų, kad nereiktų jų atlikti po kiekvieno sistemos diegimo."
S083="Integruokite pataisymus, įrangos tvarkykles ir kalbos paketus. Tik rastos tvarkyklės bus įdiegtos, kitos bus saugomos tvarkyklių atmintyje, todėl prijungus aparatūrą, esamos tvarkyklės bus automatiškai atpažintos."
S084="Automatizuokite diegimą. Įveskite diegimo nustatymus, kad nereiktų jų nustatyti diegimo metu, taip padarydami diegimą „tylesnį” ir greitesnį."
S085="Sukurkite įkraunamą (bootable) ISO atvaizdą tikrinimui arba įrašymui į CD/DVD."
S086="Tai leis įjungti ISO puslapį, todėl galėsite prieiti prie jo net nepakeitę jokių nustatymų.|Nepamirškite pirma patvirtinti diegimo pakeitimus, jeigu norite sukurti atvaizdą su naujais nustatymais."
S087="Pasirinkite puslapius. Jie nėra privalomi, pavyzdžiui, Jūs galite sukurti įkraunamą (bootable) ISO atvaizdą nepakeisdami jokių nustatymų pačiam atvaizdui; arba galite pasirinkti tik integruoti tvarkykles ir pan."
S088="PASIRINKITE komponentus PAŠALINIMUI. Pakeitimai išliks visam laikui, rinkitės atsargiai."
S093="Apsaugoti failus"
S099="Pasirinkite skyrių kairėje ir keiskite nustatymus dešinėje."
S100="Type in the end part of the file path to keep:"
S101="Failų apsauga"
S102="Pasirinkite savybes ar aplikacijas, kurias planuojate naudoti, kad vLite Jums išsaugotų reikiamus failus ar komponentus."
S103="Nerodyti šio lango"
S104="Pagalba internete"
S105="Laisvos vietos"
S108="Pasirinkite laikinąjį aplankalą"
S114="Įkrauti paskutinę sesiją pasirinkus kelią iki diegimo failų"
S115="Nekopijuoti šablonų į ISO"
S116="Praleisti atvaizdų trinimo sąrašą"
S118="Laikinasis aplankalas"
S119="Šablono antraštė"
S123="Įjungti tik OS komponentams (Optin)"
S124="Įjungti tik sistemai ir procesams (Optout)"
S125="Įjungta (AlwaysOn)"
S126="Išjungta (AlwaysOff)"
S127="DEP (Data Execution Prevention)"
S128="DEP yra kompiuterinės ir programinės įrangos technologijų rinkinys, kuris atlieka papildomus patikrinimus atmintyje, kad padėtų apsaugoti nuo kenksmingų skriptų paleidimo ir veikimo sistemoje. Įjungtas(AlwaysOn) - nepatartinta, gali sukelti problemų su kai kuriais žaidimais ir programomis."
S132="UAC leidžia vartotojams atlikti bendras užduotis ir veiksmus kaip ne administratoriams, vadinamiems standartiniais vartotojais Windows Vista sistemoje. Jeigu Jus erzina pastovūs atsidarantys langai dėl vartotojo privilegijų, išjunkite šį komponentą."
S137="AntiSpyware Realtime Protection"
S138="Priverstinai taikyti Glass Effect"
S139="Tai privers įjungti Glass Effect, jei tik kompiuterinė įranga tai palaikys. Jums gali tekti pasirinkti Aero Glass grafinį stilių (temą) po diegimo."
S140="Atminties reikalavimai"
S141="Tai pakeis Vista diegimo atminties reikalavimus."
S146="Integruoti tvarkykles į diegimą."
S147="Integruoti tvarkykles:"
S148="Jau integruotos tvarkyklės:"
S155="Viena tvarkyklė"
S158="Pažymėta ištrinimui"
S159="Keletos tvarkyklių aplankalas"
S160="Pasirinkite INF failą iš tvarkyklių aplankalo, kurį norite integruoti::"
S161="Inf failai"
S162="Pasirinkite aplankalą su išarchyvuotomis tvarkyklėmis ir sub-aplankalais:"
S163="Pasirinkite keletą tvarkyklių integravimui"
S164="Pasirinkite tik tas tvarkykles, kurios tinka būtent šiai Windows Vista architektūrai"
S193="Kurti įkraunamą ISO testavimui arba įrašymui į diską."
S197="Įrašymo greitis"
S198="Rašymo įranga"
S199="No media"
S200="Tiesioginis rašymas"
S201="Įrašyti iš atvaizdo"
S202="Kurti atvaizdą"
S203="Ištrinti RW"
S205="Boot sektorius"
S207="Greitas trinimas"
S208="Bandomasis rašymas"
S212="Virš normalaus"
S214="Žemiau normalaus"
S215="Atvaizdas nebuvo sukurtas, kadangi egzistuojantis failas yra naudojamas kito proceso."
S216="Patikrinimas nepavyko!"
S217="Failai buvo sėkmingai patikrinti."
S218="Smart Reference Generation baigta."
S219="Pasiruošimas nesėkmingas!"
S220="Perkuriamas atvaizdas"
S221="Šis tvarkyklių aplankalas jau yra paruoštas integracijai,|nereikia pasirinkti daugiau nei vieną INFO failą iš to pačio aplankalo."
S223="ISO failai"
S224="Pasirinkite ISO failą įrašymui į laikmeną"
S225="Rašyti failus į laikmeną?"
S228="Pasirinkite, kur išsaugoti ISO atvaizdą"
S229="Ar norite ištrinti informaciją iš laikmenos?"
S230="Diskas yra neištrinamas"
S231="Šablonas su tokiu pavadinimu jau egzistuoja."
S233="Egzistuojantis failas"
S235="Maksimalus ISO dydis"
S236="Bendras dydis"
S237="ISO atvaizdų skaičius"
S243="Rodyti paslėptus failus ir aplankalus"
S244="Rodyti apsaugotus operacinės sistemos failus"
S245="Rodyti plėtinius žinomiems failų tipams"
S248="Pašalinami komponentai"
S249="Integruojamos tvarkyklės"
S250="Patvirtinami nustatymai"
S251="Išsaugomi pakeitimai"
S255="Pasirinkite tinkamą metodą išsaugoti atvaizdo pakeitimus. Nepriklausomai nuo pasirinkto metodo, Jūs galėsite sukurti įkraunamą (bootable) ISO atvaizdą po to, kai baigsis apdorojimas; šie pasirinkimai nurodo atvaizdo dydį ir apdorojimo greitį."
S256="Pasirinkta operacinė sistema"
S258="Šis metodas ir virtualiai staigus, tačiau atvaizdo dydis nebus mažesnis, iš tiesų jis bus keletu megabaitų didenis. Tačiau tai išlaikys visas Windows versijas tokias, kokios jos buvo su visais pakeitimais. Įdiegta Windows sistema nesiskirs nuo metodo."
S260="Šis metodas pertvarkys ir išsaugos tik pasirinktą OS versiją, padarydama ją kur kas mažesnę. Tai rekomenduojama jei Jūs naudosite tik vieną OS versiją iš šio atvaizdo."
S262="Jeigu norite, galite ištrinti kitas versijas iš šio atvaizdo."
S263="Pasirinkite operacinę sistemą, kurią norite konfigūruoti."
S264="Atvaizdo pašalinimas yra negrįžtamas ir negali būti atkurtas, nebent Jūs nukopijuosite orginalų atvaizdą.|Ar tikrai norite ištrinti:"
S266="Power scheme"
S268="High performance"
S269="Power saving"
S271="Pasirinkite, kur išsaugoti pirmąjį ISO atvaizdą; kiti atvaizdai bus pavadinti ir išsaugoti 'pavadinimas_2.iso, 'pavadinimas3.iso ir pan."
S272="Skaidomas atvaizdas, prašome palaukti..."
S273="Atvaizdo skaidymas nepavyko."
S274="Pabandykite pakeisti maksimalų dydį."
S275="Kuriami ISO failai..."
S276="Skaidymas baigtas. ISO dalys yra patalpintos šiose vietose:"
S277="Jūs galite rašyti juos po vieną pasirinkę režimą 'Rašyti atvaizdą'|arba bandyti jį virtualiuose kompiuteriuose."
S278="Įvyko klaida kuriant ISO atvaizdą."
S279="Klaidos kodas"
S281="Patvirtinti metodą"
S283="Aero Glass"
S284="Praleidus produkto rakto įvedimą, bus automatiškai įvestas laikinas raktas, todėl čia nėra nieko nelegalaus.|Šių raktų galiojimas baigiasi po 30 dienų nuo diegimo.|Raktai paimti iš:"
S286="Skaneriai ir kameros"
S287="Windows Fax and Scan"
S289="*Palaiko visas 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista versijas"
S292="Nepakanka vietos pasirinktoje particijoje (rekomenduojama min XXGB).|Jūs galite pasirinkti kitą aplankalą ar kitą particiją nustatymuose."
S294="Pasirinkite pataisymus integracijai"
S296="Šis failas jau yra paruoštas integracijai."
S297="Kalbos paketas neatpažintas."
S298="Pataisymo failas neatpažintas."
S299="Tinklo tray ikona"
S300="Sistemos pranešimų garsai"
S301="Windows Mobility 'Connect to external display' savybė"
S338="Naudokite Kalbų paketų puslapį šiam failo tipui."
S339="Ne visi failai buvo nukopijuoti, atšaukiama."
S340="Paging Executive"
S341="Apibrėžia, ar kernelio-režimo tvarkyklės ir kernekio-režimo sistemos kodas gali būti supuslapiuotas į diską, jei nėra naudojamas. Išjungus gali padidėti sistemos našumas, tačiau tai reikalauja daugiau atminties."
S342="Pašalinamas pataisymas"
S343="Kartais padeda kompiuterio pekrovimas. Jeigu Jums nepadeda, prašome pranešti mums. "
S344="Vis tiek tęsti?"
S346="Service Pack integracija nepavyko."
S347="Pašalinimas nepavyko"
S348="Integracija nepavyko"
S349="vLite palaiko Windows Vista nuo 6.0.6000.1686 (RTM) versijos.||Aptikta versija: XX.||Jūs galite tęsti savo paties nuožiūra. "
S350="Tai yra kelių dalių atvaizdas, iš viso dalių: XX |Šie atvaizda turi būti sujungti prieš tęsiant, spauskite OK, kai norėsite pradėti.|(Kitoms dalims patikrinkite Jūsų Vista diegimo diskus, jų šaltinių (sources) aplankalus)"
S351="Atvaizdo dydis yra didenis nei 4GB, šis ISO gali neveikti.|Bandykite patvirtinti nustatymus ir pasirinkite antrąjį metodą (Perkūrimą)."
S352="Skaidyti atvaizdą"
S353="Registrų įkrovimo klaida."
S354="Trūksta registro failo, prašome pranešti, jei to nesitikėta. "
S356="Valdymo skydas - klasikinis išdėstymas"
S357="IE Phishing filtras"
S358="IE Phishing Verification Ballon Tips"
S359="Pašalinus komponentus Server 2008 sistemoje bus sugadinta 'Pridėti savybes' galimybė.|Ši dalis yra palaikoma tik Windows Vista operacinei sistemai."
S360="This option will make sure that your memory hotfix gets applied during installation as well|so that you do not have to unplug the memory stick."
S361="Pasirinkite šią versiją diegimui"
S362="4GB pataisymas"
S364="Kurti iš naujo vieną"
S365="Kurti iš naujo visus"
S366="Tik išsaugoti pakeitimus"
S367="Nieko nedaryti"
S371="Power button"
S372="Sleep button"
S373="Šis metodas sukurs iš naujo ir išsaugos tik pasirinktą Windows versiją ir sumažins atvaizdo dydį.||Rekomenduojama."
S374="Šis metodas sukurs iš naujo ir išsaugos visas versijas bei padarys atvaizdą mažesnį negu tik išsaugojus pakeitimus, bet didesnį negu 'Kurti iš naujo vieną'.|Šis metodas yra lėčiausias. Naudokite tik tada, jei reikia išsaugoti visas Windows versijas, netgi nepakeistasias. Tai nepakeis nustatymų visiems atvaizdams, tik pasirinktajam.||Rekomenduojama, jei siekiama išsaugoti visas versijas."
S375="Šis metodas yra greitas, bet atvaizdo dydis nebus mažesnis, iš tiesų jis bus netgi didesnis. Metodas išsaugos pakeitimus pasirinktajai versijai ir išlaikys visas nepasirinktasias versijas.||Rekomenduojama smulkiems pakeitimams greitai pakeisti."
S378="Įtraukti pataisų paketą (SP)"
S379="Pataisų paketas"
S380="Nepavyko. Jokie pakeitimai nebuvo išsaugoti."
S381="Įtraukti pataisų paketą (SP)"
S382="Rekomenduojama išjungti antivirusinės apsaugą, jei įjungta.|Tai gali užtrukti (apie 60-XXmin). Prašome palaukti..."
S383="Pasirinkite pataisų paketo (SP) diegimo failą. Integracija prasidės pasirinkus failą. Jeigu atsidarys saugos langas, leiskite vykdyti failą.|Pakeitimai bus išsaugoti tik pasirinktajai Windows versijai. Jeigu norite iš naujo kurti atvaizdą jo sumažinimui, spauskite 'Keisti' po SP įtraukimo.||Perspėjimas: nepašalinkite komponentų nei spauskite 'Keisti' prieš pataisų paketo įtraukimą, bet kokie pakeitimai turėtų būti daromi po to."
S384="Įtraukti pataisų paketą (SP) į diegimą."
S385="Įtraukti pataisų paketą (SP)"
S386="Norėdami pradėti, spauskite Pasirinkti -->"
S387="Klaida, atšaukta."
S390="Įtraukimas geriausiai veikia, kai vLite veikia Windows Vista arba Server 2008 operacinėje sistemoje.|Vykdant iš XP arba 2003, programa gali išsijungti."
S391="Pasirinkite aplankalą laikiniems failams saugoti, particijos pradžia (root) nėra leidžiama."
S1008="Įrangos palaikymas"
S1009="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal. However some manufacturers drivers use parts from the bundled drivers."
S1010="Našumo skaičiuokliai"
S1011="Skaičiuokliai yra naudojami informacijai, kaip operacinė sistema ar aplikacija veikia, nustatyti. Skaičiuoklių duomenys gali leisti vartotojui pamatyti grafinį vaizdą, kokiu našumu sistema dirba."
S1012="Patikimumo ir našumo kontrolierius"
S1013="Jūs galite naudoti patikimumo ir našumo kontrolierių analizei, kaip programos, kurias paleidžiate, veikia Jūsų kompiuterio našumą."
S1014="||Reikalingas: "
S1015="Mobility Center"
S1016="Puts the most frequently used mobile PC settings in a single, easy-to-find location."
S1017="Žaidimų naršyklė"
S1018="Makes it easy to access, play, and manage your games in the Start menu."
S1020="Paprastas paveiksliukų priešimo ir redagavimo įrankis."
S1022="Paprastas teksto redaktorius."
S1023="Snipping Tool"
S1024="Screenshot capture tool."
S1025="Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)"
S1026="iSCSI is a way of connecting storage devices over a network using TCP/IP.|This will not remove the NAS support, your device has to be iSCSI compatible for it to need this."
S1027="Garso įrašytuvas"
S1028="Paprasta garso įrašymo programa."
S1029="Sistemos informacija"
S1030="Sistemos informacija (taip pat žinoma kaip msinfo32.exe) rodo informaciją apie Jūsų kompiuterio įrangos konfigūraciją, kompiuterio komponentus, programinę įrangą ir esamas tvarkykles."
S1031="Nuotolinio valdymo klientas"
S1032="Atskiras klientas naudojamas sujungti kitus kompiuterius naudojant nuotolinio valdmymo protokolą."
S1033="Windows Media Codecs"
S1034="These are all WMP bundled codecs, you may need some of them.|(WMV, WMA, ASF, MPEG4)."
S1035="Windows Media grotuvas"
S1036="Numatytasis Windows media grotuvas."
S1037="Media centras"
S1038="Tiesioginės ir įrašytos TV laidos, filmai, muzika ir paveiksliukai vienoje vietoje su lengvai valdoma Windows Media centro meniu sistema ir nuotoliniu valdymu."
S1039="Desktop Window Manager"
S1040="Desktop composition is performed by the Desktop Window Manager (DWM), a new component of Windows Vista. Through desktop composition, DWM enables visual effects on the desktop as well as various features, such as glass window frames, 3-D window transition animations, Windows Flip and Windows Flip3D , and automatic scaling for high resolution (DPI) displays."
S1041="Application Experience"
S1042="Includes Application Compatibility, which can be helpful with older programs. Consider this component a test-prone, remove only if you will not use older OS compatibility options in the shortcuts."
S1047="Internet Explorer"
S1048="Default Windows Internet browser."
S1049="Task Scheduler"
S1050="The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does this by monitoring whatever criteria you choose to initiate the tasks (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when the criteria is met."
S1051="Secondary Logon"
S1052="Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. The 'Run As...' command which appears on the context menu, allowing a Limited User to run an executable as a higher level user. But the 'Run As Administrator' command will work even if this is removed."
S1053="Remote Registry"
S1054="Using Remote Registry Service, administrators can change registry entries on other computers over the network."
S1055="Offline Files"
S1056="By using Offline Files, you can manage user data more efficiently while enhancing users? access to their files and folders while not connected to the network."
S1057="Parental Controls"
S1058="Monitoring and managing your children's computer privileges."
S1059="BitLocker Drive Encryption"
S1060="BitLocker prevents a thief who boots another operating system or runs a software hacking tool from breaking Windows Vista file and system protections or performing offline viewing of the files that are stored on the protected drive."
S1061="Windows Aero Theme"
S1062="This will remove the default Windows Vista theme, the Windows Aero. It will remove Glass and normal version because it is one and the same. Glass effect functionality, or any other feature generally associated with this theme will not be removed so you will be able to use it with other themes when available.|Also a user reported that Aero theme is actually faster than Standard."
S1064="Extends the disk caching capabilities of Windows Vista main memory. ReadyBoost-capable devices can be implemented as USB 2.0 flash drives, Secure Digital (SD) cards, or CompactFlash cards. Using ReadyBoost-capable flash memory devices for caching allows Windows Vista to service random disk reads with performance that is typically 8-10 times faster than random reads from traditional hard drives."
S1066="Windows SuperFetch memory management technology intelligently maintains optimal memory content based on historic usage patterns on the Windows-based PC, allowing Windows Vista to make intelligent decisions about what content should be present in system memory at any given time."
S1067="Internet Information Services (IIS)"
S1068="Internet Information Services is a Web server, if you host a web site or you need it for some college related tasks leave it."
S1070="Windows Vista SideShow technology enables laptop manufacturers to include a secondary or auxiliary display in future laptop designs."
S1071="Sync Center"
S1072="Sync Center gives you one place where you can manage data synchronization in several scenarios: between multiple PCs, between network servers and PCs, and with the devices you connect to your PC.|It contains Briefcase too."
S1074="Aurora, Bubbles, Mystify, Ribbons, Windows Logo, 3D Text, Windows Energy, PhotoScreensaver, all except Blank screen."
S1075="Connect to a Network Projector"
S1076="Allows projecting to a network projector."
S1077="Windows Collaboration"
S1078="Peer To Peer, infrastructure to support serverless presence, app invite, contacts and people near me.|This will not affect your other popular P2P programs, it is for Microsoft products only."
S1079="Windows Communication Foundation"
S1080="Formerly code-named 'Indigo', is a set of .NET3 technologies for building and running connected systems. It is a new breed of communications infrastructure built around the Web services architecture. Removes CardSpace service, which provides a solution for working with and managing diverse digital identities."
S1081="Windows Image Acquisition"
S1082="Provides image acquisition services for scanners and cameras. Remove only if you will not going to use a scanner or a camera with this installation."
S1084="If you use some sort of SmartCard device in your computer then do not select for the removal. This will remove SmartCard services as well."
S1085="Microsoft Agent"
S1086="Despite the 'government-like' title it is actually a software technology that enables an enriched form of user interaction that can make using and learning to use a computer, easier and more natural. Like Wizard in the Office."
S1087="Windows Defender"
S1088="Helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software. It features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it is detected.||Note:|The Shortcut 'Manage Startup Programs' in Performance information page won't work, use 'msconfig' instead."
S1089="Windows Photo Gallery"
S1090="Gives you the tools you need to easily organize, find, and view your photos and videos. You can edit, print, and share your photos from within Windows Photo Gallery, as well as transfer photos from your camera to your computer with a simple import process."
S1091="Windows Photo Viewer"
S1092="Default Windows picture viewer."
S1093="Inbox Games"
S1094="This is the pack of games:|- Solitaire|- Spider Solitaire|- Hearts|- FreeCell|- Minesweeper|- Purble Place"
S1095="Windows Easy Transfer"
S1096="Windows Easy Transfer is a quick and easy way for users to transfer their files and settings from their old computers running earlier versions of Microsoft Windows to their new computers running Windows Vista.||Needed for the Windows Upgrade feature (not the Windows Update)."
S1097="Premium Inbox Games"
S1098="This is the pack of games:|- Chess Titans|- Mahjong Titans|- Inkball"
S1099="Windows Sidebar and Gadgets"
S1100="Mini-applications that put information and tasks on your desktop."
S1101="Windows Calendar"
S1102="A flexible, easy-to-use calendar. It lets you plan and manage all of your activities and coordinate your schedule with others. Windows Calendar also lets you create a personal task list and receive automatic notifications and reminders about specific tasks and upcoming appointments."
S1103="Movie and DVD Maker"
S1104="Quickly and easily import, edit, and organize all of your digital home videos. Once your movies are just the way you want them, you can easily burn them to DVD or share them with others through the Internet."
S1105="Windows SAT (Performance Index)"
S1106="Windows System Assessment Tool is a basic benchmark in order to set the visual and system settings appropriate to your machine's speed, the performance index. However if you do not care about such functionality and want to skip that last part of install where it checks the speed then you can select this for removal.||Important note: if you normally get Glass Effect enabled, after this check is skipped you'll have to manually select the Aero Glass in the Desktop properties after install."
S1108="Small application used to introduce you to the new features of the operating system. Once you saw it it gets annoying if you reinstall a lot."
S1109="Disk Defragmenter"
S1110="Built-in disk defragmenter."
S1111="Volume Shadow Copy"
S1112="The Volume Shadow Copy Service provides the backup infrastructure, as well as a mechanism for creating consistent point-in-time copies of data known as shadow copies."
S1113="Shell event sounds"
S1114="Sounds which occur on certain actions like maximizing windows, starting Windows."
S1115="Zip Folder"
S1116="Shows ZIP files like folders in Explorer."
S1117="Error Reporting"
S1118="Enables you to send error reports to Microsoft in order for them to prioritize fixes."
S1119="Microsoft DFS Replication"
S1120="The Distributed File System (DFS) technologies offer wide area network (WAN)-friendly replication as well as simplified, fault-tolerant access to geographically dispersed files."
S1121="Windows Firewall"
S1122="Provides basic protection from the network intrusion."
S1123="Fax Support"
S1124="If you use Fax machine of any kind then keep it, simple as that."
S1125="Windows Search"
S1126="This will remove the part of Windows Search, the service which indexes files in the background. With this removed your searching amongst large number of files may be slower but in general this component takes a lot of resources."
S1127="Windows Backup"
S1128="Backup tool which includes System restore enhancements and a related feature: Previous Versions, based on the Volume Shadow Copy technology. Also removes Windows Backup and Restore Center."
S1129="Security Center"
S1130="Windows Security Center indicates whether key security capabilities are turned on and up-to-date. Windows Security Center notifies you if updates are required or if you must take additional steps to help make your computer secure."
S1132="Bundled wallpapers.||Warning! At the first logon when you get the computer name window, which is the part of OOBE, do not click on the invisible boxes below where the wallpapers should have been or it will crash. It will restart and all fine again but still better not to click it."
S1133="Display adapters"
S1134="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal."
S1135="Sound controllers"
S1136="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal.||Note: will not remove basic HD Audio drivers."
S1137="Ethernet network adapters"
S1138="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal.|Includes Wireless.||Note: If you have the nVidia Network Controller you might want to keep this unless nVidia started to distribute the driver."
S1139="Remote Desktop and Assistance"
S1140="Enables you to connect to your computer across the Internet from virtually any computer, Pocket PC, or Smartphone. Once connected, Remote Desktop gives you mouse and keyboard control over your computer while showing you everything that's happening on the screen."
S1142="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal."
S1144="Drivers for the given component, it will not remove the support for it so if you install your own driver it is safe for removal. However some manufacturers drivers use parts from the bundled drivers."
S1145="Windows Remote Management"
S1146="The Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol , a standard SOAP-based, firewall-friendly protocol that allows hardware and operating systems, from different vendors, to interoperate. The WS-Management protocol specification provides a common way for systems to access and exchange management information across an IT infrastructure."
S1147="Natural Language"
S1148="Used for extra functionalities in speech and search. Basically it provides the ability to use Speech and Search more naturally, almost like addressing another person."
S1149="Speech Support"
S1150="Lets you interact with your computer using your voice. You can dictate documents and e-mails in commonly used programs, and use voice commands to start and switch between applications, control the operating system, and even fill out forms on the web."
S1151="Tablet PC"
S1152="You can use the pen directly on the screen just as you would a mouse to do things like select, drag, and open files; or in place of a keyboard to handwrite notes and communication. Unlike a touch screen, the Tablet PC screen only receives information from a special pen.||Note: if you remove this and keep the Snipping Tool you will need Administrator priviledges to run it."
S1154="Help documentation for Windows in general and the components."
S1155="System Restore"
S1156="System Restore's purpose is to return your system to a workable state without requiring a complete reinstallation and without compromising your data files. The utility runs in the background and automatically creates a restore point when a trigger event occurs. Trigger events include application installations, AutoUpdate installations, Microsoft Backup Utility recoveries, unsigned- driver installations, and manual creations of restore points. The utility also creates restore points once a day by default."
S1157="Music and Video samples"
S1158="Media samples found in the Users\Public folder."
S1159="Simplified Chinese"
S1160="Complete support for the given language, keep if you want to use any part of this language."
S1161="Traditional Chinese"
S1164="Windows Mail"
S1165="Windows built-in e-mail client known before as Outlook Express."
S1167="Use the Accessibility Wizard and tools to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs."
S1168="Microsoft HTML engine"
S1169="Also known as Internet Explorer Core, it is the HTML engine needed for many Microsoft products which use it internally. Not recommended to remove."
S1170="Malicious Software Removal Tool"
S1171="Checks for infections by specific, prevalent malicious software?including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom?and helps remove any infection found."
S1172="Multimedia Class Scheduler"
S1173="Enables multimedia applications to ensure that their time-sensitive processing receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying CPU resources to lower-priority applications.||Warning: your sound may crackle when this is removed and your PC is busy while playing music or a video."
S1174="WRP Boot Backup"
S1175="Windows Resource Protection keeps a copy of files that are needed to restart Windows in the cache directory located at %Windir%\winsxs\Backup. Critical files that are not needed to restart Windows are not copied to the cache directory. This component deletes those files."
S1176="MSN Installer"
S1177="MSN Connection Center Install Wizard. For MSN Internet Access.||(Program Files\MSN\cclitesetupui.exe)"
S1178="Sample Pictures"
S1179="The sample pictures in the Public folder."
S1180="Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)"
S1181="Provides networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet, like a software router."
S1182="Distributed Link Tracking Client"
S1183="Distributed Link Tracking services track the creation and movement of linked files across NTFS-formatted volumes and servers. Client provides the interaction with the server and sends information about file links to the server."
S1184="Computer Browser"
S1185="The primary function of the browser service is to provide a list of computers sharing resources in a client's domain along with a list of other domain and workgroup names across the wide-area network (WAN). This list is provided to clients that view network resources with Network Neighborhood or the NET VIEW command."
S1186="Manual Install (Setup.exe)"
S1187="These are the files needed to install this operating system by running the Setup.exe from the root. However even with this removed you can still install by booting from the CD/DVD (or ISO if virtual)."
S1189="Windows Portable Devices"
S1190="Enables applications like Windows Media Player and Image Import Wizard to transfer and synchronize content using removable mass-storage devices. Will not break USB storage."
S1192="Includes disk diagnostics, memory diagnostics, network diagnostics and resource exhaustion prevention."
S1193="Universal Plug and Play (UPNP)"
S1194="With UPnP, a device can automatically convey its capabilities, and learn about the presence and capabilities of other devices?all automatically. It is used in various file sharing applications to automatically open ports for an easy connection setup."
S1195="Windows Mobile Device Center"
S1196="The Windows Mobile Device Center enables you to set up new partnerships, synchronize content and manage music, pictures and video with Windows Mobile powered devices (Windows Mobile 2003 or later)."
S1197="Printer Support"
S1198="This is needed to install any printer even if you have your own printer driver."
S1199="IMAPIv2 Burning Support"
S1200="Built-in disc burn support. Used in the Windows Media Player - Burn/Rip feature."
S1202="Windows Meeting Space"
S1203="Generic printer"
S1204="Help support"
S1205="File and printer sharing (Server)"
S1206="People Near Me (in the Control Panel)"
S1207="Office Outlook"
S1208="MHT web page format"
S1209="QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter"
S1211="Dynamic Volume Manager"
S1212="Dynamic disks were first introduced with Windows 2000 and provide features that basic disks do not, such as the ability to create volumes that span multiple disks (spanned and striped volumes), and the ability to create fault tolerant volumes (mirrored and RAID-5 volumes)."
S1213="Remote Differential Compression"
S1214="Allows data to be synchronized with a remote source using compression techniques to minimize the amount of data sent across the network."
S1216="Generates simple tones on the speaker."
S1217="Windows Color System (WCS/ICM)"
S1218="Implementation of a color management scheme for Microsoft Windows operating systems. Mostly used with printers and photo editors."
S1219="Modem Support"
S1220="Ability to install any modem. If you use LAN to connect then this is not needed."
S1221="DNS Client"
S1222="The DNS Client service caches Domain Name System (DNS) names and registers the full computer name for this computer. If the service is stopped, DNS names will continue to be resolved. However, the results of DNS name queries will not be cached and the computer's name will not be registered."
S1223="Windows Time"
S1224="Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network."
S1225="IP Helper"
S1226="Enables the retrieval and modification of network configuration settings for the local computer. Provides automatic IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. If this service is stopped, the machine will only have IPv6 connectivity if it is connected to a native IPv6 network."
S1227="WebDAV (WebClient)"
S1228="(Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension to the HTTP protocol enabling file management on remote servers. In addition to the usual file system-like operations (copy, move, delete, etc) WebDAV adds a flexible property mechanism (based on name/value pairs) and resource locking. WebDAV is a critical component in Microsoft's web publishing story, used by Web Folders, the HTTP redirector, SMS, and many other components.|Also removes WebClient."
S1229="Diva Server"
S1230="Eicon/Dialogic range of telecomms products addressing the voice, speech, conferencing and fax markets."
S1231="Jet Database Engine"
S1232="Microsoft Access and Visual Basic may still need this obsolete database engine."
S1234="Includes: ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), OLE DB, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). If you work with web-based databases it is recommended to keep this component."
S1235="WLAN Support"
S1236="Wireless Network support. If you use or plan to use WLAN connectivity it is crucial to keep this component."
S1237="Network and Sharing Center"
S1238="Used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues and easily setup File and Printer sharing.||Note: If removed it will be replaced with the Network Connections in Control Panel so you will still have easy access to your connections. To access new connection setup simply use Start Panel - Connect To."
S1239="TCP/IP NetBios Helper"
S1240="Provides support for the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution for clients on the network. If removed you will not be able to access other shared resources by using the destination computer's name (\\Computername), only through the IP of the destination computer and only if your router has the DHCP server enabled even if you do not use the DHCP client service."
S1241="Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (Shimgvw)"
S1243="Disk Quota"
S1244="Assigns to each user his share of disk space. If disk quota is not implemented, then any user can use all available space on the system, if he can log into the system. Disk quota will help server systems in keeping track of used space."
S1245="Thumbnail Cache"
S1246="Generates and stores thumbnails cache. Without it file icons will be only visible like type icons, not thumbnails. Advantages are questionable while some resource icons are lost, like in Message boxes or popups like the one for file overwriting."
S1247="Run a legacy CPL elevated"
S1248="Makes Vista compatible with older Windows Control Panel plug-ins. This component may be exploited to bypass UAC so removing it might even raise security unless you need this to run your CPL."
S1249="IPsec Policy Agent"
S1250="Provides compatibility in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 with Internet Protocol security (IPsec) policies used in earlier versions of Windows. New deployments should use policies created by using Windows Firewall with Advanced Security to take full advantage of the additional security and features."
S1251="Network List Service"
S1252="Identifies the networks to which the computer has connected, collects and stores properties for these networks, and notifies applications when these properties change. Responsible for Network and Sharing Center network connectivity display and network tray icon."
S1253="Network Location Awareness (NLA)"
S1254="Collects and stores configuration information for the network and notifies programs when this information is modified."
S1255="Component Cache (winsxs)"
S1256="This will remove the backup files of the installed components and the files for the components which are not yet installed. ISO size will not be reduced by much because of the image double file optimizations. This will remove the Control panel - Programs - Turn On or Off Windows Features so if you use that to add some component after install do not remove this.||Warning! This breaks hotfix installations too but integrated hotfixes will work."
S1258="SL UI Notification Service"
S1260="Table Driven Text Input Processor"
S1262="Input Method Editor (IME)"
S1263="Some mobile phones drivers"
S1264="User Account Control (UAC)"
S1265="UAC requires that each subject in a system be granted the most restrictive set of privileges (or lowest clearance) needed for the performance of authorized tasks. The application of this principle limits the damage that can result from accident, error, or unauthorized use.||Warning: do not enable UAC from the Control Panel once removed, it will just lock the UAC-enabled options."
S1266="Storage controllers"
S1267="Network Explorer"
S1268="Discover and use all network resources, including network devices and computers in the local area network (LAN). From Network Explorer, users can see device-specific icons and properties and invoke device-specific actions. Basically it enables Windows Explorer to browse the Network, needed for accessing the Shares on the another computer as well."
S1269="Firewire (1394)"
S1270="Complete support for this type of hardware. Do not select for removal if you plan on installing the drivers and use it."
S1271="VMWare SCSI disks (you could use IDE virtual drive and remove this)"
S1272="This will remove the built-in drivers for this type of hardware. If you are using this exact brand and do not have the drivers ready on the DVD or USB stick then do not remove this because you will not be able to access the hard disks attached to this controller during installation."
S1273="Various backup programs"
S1274="Photo Metadata Handler"
S1275="Enumerates the underlying metadata paths that property keys for photos will map to in the Windows Shell property system."
S1276="Windows Ultimate Extras"
S1277="Add-ons that extend certain capabilities of your operating system or just make using your PC more fun."
S1278="Quality Windows Audio Video Experience"
S1279="QoS for A/V streaming traffic that competes with other data and best-effort traffic."
S1280="Interactive Services Detection"
S1281="Enables user notification of user input for interactive services, which enables access to dialogs created by interactive services when they appear."
S1283="Registers and updates IP addresses and DNS records for this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not receive dynamic IP addresses and DNS updates but you can set them up manually in the TCP/IP properties."
S1284="Disko valymas"
S1285="Helps you free up space on your hard disk by searching your disk for files that you can safely delete, like temporary files, old System Restore snapshots, Error Reports..."
S1287="Paprastas teksto redaktorius."
S1288="Character Map"
S1289="Utility which displays all the characters available in the fonts."
S1290="Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)"
S1291="Coordinates transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems."
S1292="TV Tiuneriai"
S1293="Media Metadata Handler"
S1294="Generates video thumbnails."
S1325="Picture thumbnails and details"
S1326="Video thumbnails and details"
S1327="Windows Event Log"
S1328="Enables an application to publish, access, and process events. Events are stored in event logs, which can be routinely checked by an administrator or monitoring tool to detect occurrences or problems on a computer. This will remove the Event Viewer as well."
S1329="Guided Help"
S1330="Interactive tool that helps you accomplish a task, it can lead you through it step by step. If you need something done and don't need to walk through the steps, you can choose to complete the task automatically."
S1331="Floppy Disk Support"
S1332="Protected Storage"
S1333="Provides protected storage for sensitive data, such as passwords, to prevent access by unauthorized services, processes, or users. Removing this if you did not use it will not make you less secure, it is optional storage."
S1334="SQL serveris"
S1335="TPM Base Services"
S1336="The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Base Services (TBS) is a software component that allows the Windows operating system and applications to use services provided by the TPM.|A TPM is a hardware component of the computer that has security features to perform cryptographic operations, store cryptographic keys, generate random numbers, record measurements of platform components like the BIOS or software components, and so forth. Software applications can use TPM features to provide solutions with enhanced security."
S1337="Infrared Support"
S1338=".NET Framework"
S1339=".NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 removal.|Warning: installing .NET 2 will not be possible later on. Maybe there is a method to force it, let me know if you know one."
S1340="Digital Locker"
S1341="Allows you to search, purchase & download hundreds of software titles from multiple retailers. The Digital Locker then stores your product keys and purchase information allowing you to backup & reinstall your software from one safe & secure location."
S1342="Windows Update"
S1343="Microsoft periodically releases software updates to the Windows operating system and other Microsoft products. These updates can enhance reliability, improve performance, and provide new security protections against malware and other potentially unwanted software. This will remove Windows Update and hotfix support. Only way to install hotfixes would be to integrate them before Windows install."
S1344="Remote Access Auto Connection Manager"
S1345="Service maps and maintains network addresses to connection destinations. If you are not connected to a network and a program cannot reach a remote address, autodial attempts to create the connection."
S1346="Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)"
S1347="Provides support for the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers using VPN."
S1348="Function Discovery"
S1349="Allows resources to be discovered over the network. One of the more notable resources that depend on this is the Media Center Extender (an XBOX that can play media from your computer), but it can also be used to discover networked cameras, printers, disks, etc."
S1350="Software Quality Management (SQM)"
S1351="Part of the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program which collects and sends usage data to Microsoft if you agree, in order to improve user experience.|Also removes the SQM Consolidator service."
S1352="Link-Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD)"
S1353="LLTD enables device discovery via the data-link layer and determines the topology of a network. This specification also describes the Quality of Service (QoS) Extensions that enable stream prioritization and quality media streaming experiences, even on networks with limited bandwidth."
S1354="Quality of Service (QoS)"
S1355="Provides different priorites to different applications or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow. Especially useful for real-time streaming multimedia applications such as VOIP, online games and IP-TV, since these often are delay sensitive"
S1356="Microsoft Client For NFS"
S1357="Services for UNIX Version 1.0"
S1358="TFTP Client"
S1359="Simple form of FTP with no security features.."
S1360="Telnet Server"
S1361="Server for the terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks."
S1362="Telnet Client"
S1363="Client for the terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks."
S1364="Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)"
S1365="Provides compatibility with UNIX-based applications."
S1366="Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)"
S1367="Used in network management systems to monitor network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention."
S1368="Simple TCPIP services"
S1369="Suite of communications protocols used to connect to hosts on the Internet (i.e., echo, daytime, etc.). This is optional component, not installed by default."
S1370="Removable Storage Management"
S1371="Manages access to removable media, especially removable media in automated devices such as changers, jukeboxes, and libraries."
S1372="Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)"
S1373="Enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline."
S1374="ActiveX Installer Service"
S1375="Installs ActiveX."
S1376="RIP Listener"
S1377="Remote Access Service IP Routing Information Protocol."
S1378="Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)"
S1379="Facilitates prioritized, throttled, and asynchronous transfer of files between machines using idle network bandwidth. It is most commonly used by recent versions of Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services, and Systems Management Server to deliver software updates to clients, and is also used by Microsoft's instant messaging products to transfer files."